Privacy Policy 

Welcome to Honista! Your privacy is very important to us. This policy explains what information we collect, how we use it, and how we keep it safe. 

Information We Collect 

When you use Honista, we may collect some information from you. Here’s what we collect: 

  1. Personal Information
  • Your name, email address, and phone number when you sign up. 
  • Your profile picture and other info you add to your profile. 
  1. Usage Information
  • How you use Honista, like the features you use and the time you spend on the app. 
  1. Device Information
  • Information about the device you use, like the type of phone, the version of the operating system, and unique device identifiers. 

How We Use Your Information 

We use the information we collect to make Honista better for you. Here’s how: 

  1. To Improve Our App
  • To fix bugs and improve features. 
  • To understand how you use Honista and make it better. 
  1. To Communicate with You
  • To send you updates and news about Honista. 
  • To respond to your questions and feedback. 
  1. For Security
  • To protect your account and keep Honista safe from bad guys. 

Sharing Your Information 

We do not share your personal information with others except in these cases: 

  1. With Your Permission
  • If you say it’s okay, we may share your info with others. 
  1. For Legal Reasons
  • If the law requires us to share your info, we will. 

Keeping Your Information Safe 

We take strong measures to protect your information: 

  1. Encryption
  • We use encryption to keep your conversations and data safe. 
  1. Privacy Settings
  • You can control what information you share and with whom. 

Your Choices 

You have choices about your information: 

  1. Update Your Info
  • You can update your profile information anytime. 
  1. Delete Your Account
  • You can delete your Honista account if you no longer want to use it. 
  1. Control Notifications
  • You can choose what notifications you receive from Honista. 

Changes to This Policy 

We may change this Privacy Policy sometimes. If we do, we will let you know by posting the new policy on our app. 

Contact Us 

If you have any questions about this policy, you can contact us at: